The development of science is everyone’s business

The development of science is everyone's business
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MintMind is the online platform where one can discover scientific and ecological researches and ideas that can change our world. The user can discover, donate, fund, and share new startups and projects.
Here one can find not only science projects, but also ideas that can solve different issues with ecology, serve nature, conduct specific experiments, and check medical issues.

Fundraising becomes an every-day thing for many people and it’s great! Due to the people’s readiness to help we have lots of important businesses all around the world, for example, Notable LabsSparrhoPublonsSciencescape, and many many more.
We all know, that the most impact does people, who are ready to invest all their time and emotions into something they believe in. This is what startups about. We all want to support people who dream of science and ready to find the best solutions to all current issues. They are ready to answer all the big questions each of us has about science, like, how does it feel to be a scientist and create something important, what is the greatest impact that can be made, etc.

Connecting with people whose eyes are burning with the desire to create something worthy costs millions of dollars, but each of us can donate a small amount of money to create a better place.

Every dollar one donates and contributes serves the knowledge that all humanity eventually will receive. One can pick any field to donate to, it can be a project about curing cancer, or saving forests.

Each user funds the desired project, and everyone can be sure that money will reach the idea.

Besides, if one has an idea that can be useful in any field, like science, medicine, or ecology, there is a chance to place their own startup to get fundraising.

The overall impact is simple. People can support startups and ideas that can change the world.

MintMind reviews each project that asks for fundraising to make sure that every dollar people donate will change the world. We search for novelty, logic, and clarity.

We are a non-profit organization that is only driven by the idea to help science, medicine, and ecology, since there plenty of gifted and talented people that are ready for the changes.

We hope to create a safe space where people can share their ideas and get donations to create a new product or service that will eventually serve good for all humankind!